Here's a new speed read technique you can try to through more books and articles than the average reader. The trick is to read the middle. Andra writes on the Pixel 77 on how to avoid the slow word-by-word reading most of us do:
One of the major drawbacks of reading word-to-word is that your eye only focuses on a single word at a time. The average eyespan is 1.5 inches which means you can read up to four words on either side of a word. For instance, if there are ten words in a sentence, placing your eyes on the 5th word can help you see the sentence in a single glance. This will help you view the text as a block of words rather than in single units. This is one of the major hindrances to speed reading that people generally face. Their perceptual gaze isn’t conducive to reading fast, which makes it difficult for them to enhance their reading speed.
The middle sentence or the fifth word can help train you to cluster words together for faster reading. Try it out and let us know that goes.
Pixel 77]
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