How to make successful video blogs may seem like a simple task. But, in truth, it is not. Behind each video is a strategy, an action plan, hours of creativity and throwing papers into the wastebasket to start writing new ones from the beginning again. Like any action related to content creation and the digital world, starting a vlog requires time, dedication and a lot of energy. If you use YouTube trends you can even monetize your channel with YouTube ads and earn money. Let's see:

Who and what are you going to talk to?

This is like ABC: who will you talk to and about what? For this, doing a study of the buyer person is ideal so as not to stumble on the road and walk aimlessly. It is not the same to address an adolescent audience than one of older adults. Because there will be words and forms of expression that will be more consistent for one than for another.

Now what do you want to talk about? What topics are relevant to your target audience? Perhaps brainstorming can be helpful as a technique to boost creativity and find opportunities to create your content. Put the consumer at the center of the scene.

In addition, depending on the theme (s) that you will choose to talk about in your videoblogs, you will be able to ally yourself and take actions with influencers to increase the relevance of your content and your brand. How? If the influencer you summon in one of your videos shares your same audience, they will surely spread the video in question for their followers to see. This is how you will gain new viewers and your brand will have more and more authority, because there are other references in the sector who recommend you.

What are your goals?

What do you want to achieve with video blogging? That you are not going to dedicate time and energy to something that you do not know why you are doing it. Do not make vlogs because they are fashionable. Ask yourself if, thanks to them, your target audience will be loyal or if you will gain better quality leads because they will be more educated about the products or services you sell.

Do you want to achieve brand recognition, that your brand has more reach, gain new followers, retain the leads of a part of your marketing funnel or do you want to increase your sales? Ask yourself what you want to focus on and, from there, propose what are the objectives you want to achieve: define the metric, the percentage amount of growth or the term for its achievement.

Define where in your entire marketing strategy the video blog plays a key role and for what purposes. This will help you measure and make adjustments in the content that you launch, to achieve your own To Do List of how to make successful video blogs for your brand. 

What platform will you use to vlog?

Choosing the most conducive platform to reach your ideal buyer persona is more than key. You don't want to throw it all away because you made the wrong choice in a hurry. By itself, YouTube is the preferred platform with the most reach in terms of videos. 

YouTube is the largest website in the world and the ability to earn money uploading content has made it a very popular social network. Other video platforms are Vimeo, Vine, Facebook, DailyMotion, etc.  

What elements are key to get started?

In addition to defining your buyer persona, what you will communicate, what are the objectives you will pursue and what platform you will use, you have to know what elements are essential to be able to start recording your vlogs.


The basis of all video is the script. Maybe, at some point, you can make improvised videos that are just as successful as if they had a backup script. But, in the beginning, it is best to have a good script and learn it by heart so as not to fail. The secret of how to make winning video blogs is in the script. What to say, how and when is as important as the main idea of the video in question. Make a good script, contemplate the basic structure of introduction, development and conclusion. Remember to use the resource of expectation and make content that is entertaining and enjoyable, no one will want to see something boring!


You can use a professional camera that records videos or your own mobile. Try, whatever the camera you use, that it is of high quality (Full HD format).


There are those who choose to record their videos without using a tripod, this will depend a lot on what and how you want to communicate the content.

But what if you don't have time to make your own videos? Why not buy videos from a trusted provider like Artgrid? For your information, you can get an Artgrid Discount Code to get free stock of video footage for 2 months. Give it a try!