It's getting increasingly easier to be a creep, especially on the Internet. Privacy is gone and everything is becoming more accessible. You know you're getting to borderline very-creepy when your creeping involves the list below.

1. You lost count on how many times you looked at someone's Facebook page throughout the day

2. You accidentally liked someone's photo from two years ago

3. But that didn't stop you from going all the way back to their first picture.

4. You've creeped on people you've never met before via photo tagging

5. You recognize someone you don't know in public, because you were stalking their Facebook

6. You spend an hour researching who your date is online before actually meeting up

7. You pretend to like everything they like, since you already know what they like

8. You stalk their Instagram. Without following them.

9. When everyone you meet and whose name you remember ends up in your Facebook search bar

10. You've had so much time on your hands you even know the parents of your friends through Facebook

11. Even after your date has ended, you continue it on your own, by yourself, in front of a computer, sifting through their social media accounts

12. You have saved a few pictures of people you find attractive on your phone before.

13. You know who your ex is seeing, what they are up to, and where they are, but pretend you know nothing of it.