When you sleep fewer hours every night due to some disorder or a hectic lifestyle, it takes a toll on your heart health over time. Lack of sleep leads to obesity and affects your metabolism and appetite. The effects of sleeplessness are not so evident and direct. It might lead to mood swings, stress, depression, and anxiety. The two disorders such as sleep apnea and insomnia are related to heart health issues like hypertension, weight gain, stroke, and cardiac conditions. 

According to an article published on https://www.huffpost.com, sound sleep keeps your heart healthy and blood pressure normal. Read on to learn about some of the best ways to sleep well to maintain your cardiovascular health. 

Wake up and go to bed the same time

Retire to bed at night and wake up in the morning at the same time. Wearing the right nightdress such as an undershirt and shorts helps in inducing sleep. Your track pants are not the right clothes to sleep even if they seem comfortable. Proper nightdress tells your brain that it is time to switch off all lights and sleep for the night. Try this method and you will benefit. 

Say no to alcohol before sleep

Alcohol helps you sleep better, who says, huh! It is a big misconception. In fact, taking alcohol regularly before bedtime will keep you awake. Also, avoid too many cups of coffee and tea during the day because caffeine keeps you awake. Start some exercise to help you sleep at night. Since heart disease and sleep are related, you must get eight hours of sleep each night. 

Create the perfect sleep environment 

The room you sleep should have the right environment to help you snooze. Lights, blue light from smartphones and other gadgets are the worst things to keep you awake. It is better not to have a TV or a PC in the bedroom. Also, avoid reading with the lampshade on 30 minutes before you retire to bed. Keep a bottle of water on the nightstand in case you feel thirsty during sleep. 

Keep your room cool if you are living in a warm area. Switch the AC on to maintain comfortable room temperature. A hot, humid room will not let you sleep well at night. Change bed sheets daily so that dust and allergies do not keep you awake. If you have allergies, clean carpets and vacuum these regularly to keep allergens at bay. These little things matter in inducing sleep and keeping your heart healthy. 

Watch out for medication timings

If you already have heart disease, you need to be extra careful. Medications like beta-blockers can adversely affect your sleep if you do not take these at the right time. Again, pain also keeps you awake. If you feel some medications keep you awake, consult your physician for a solution to the problem. Your doctor will also be able to reccommend the best supplements for heart health too.


Now that you know how to sleep better at night, it will help in keeping your heart healthy. If you can manage 8-9 hours of sleep every night and wake up refreshed the next morning, there is nothing like it.