You don't need the gym to get fit. Seriously. You might, however, need good weather for this: head outside and get your workout fix. Not only will the fresh air be invigorating, exercising outside can add variation to your fitness routine.

Here are some ways you can get your workout away from the gym:

Be a Kid: When you were a child, you got your exercise (without knowing it) on the jungle gym. Use the monkey bars, and take a break on the swings.

Use the Park Bench: You can use park benches for pushups and planks. Or if you want a challenge, you can do a rear-foot elevated split squat by standing in front of the bench and lifting one foot behind you so that it's resting on the bench as you squat.

The Grass is Your Mat: Okay maybe not, but you can put your mat on it. Do outdoor yoga, or Pilates.

Create Your Own Gym: Grab a TRX and anchor it around a pole, tree, or park equipment. You can also bring along your resistance bands for an added challenge.

You Can Be a Track Star: If you have access to a track at a nearby school or park, use it. It's the perfect place for uninterrupted interval training.

Clear Your Mind: The best thing about sweating outdoors is that you're getting cognitive benefits instead of just staring at a treadmill. When you're thinking about your surroundings and your steps rather than running on autopilot, you get more out of your workout. You'll also get the feel-good benefits of being outside.

Images: source 1, source 2