Your real beauty is not something you apply from the outside. That is just a cover and a mask. Your real beauty comes from the inside. It’s who you are and letting it out will light up your face and broaden your smile. Beauty is connected to your happiness. There’s nothing wrong with embellishing your natural beauty but take a step back from covering it up and let it rise naturally.

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Let people see your eyes.

This is the spot where we connect. It’s in the eyes. Look after your eyes and they’ll look out for you. Give your eyes a refreshing natural cleanse. Stay away from harsh and bright colours. Emphasize your eye colour with delicate earrings and necklaces. Stay away from colored contacts. Find the right glasses and frames for your face. Is your face shape long and thin, or oval? It is amazing what a difference the correct frame makes.

Open your eyes wide and make eye contact. Eyes are also a clear reflection of our diets. Embrace a diet that is filled with fruit vegetables and nuts. Eat good fats and nourishing proteins. Drink lots of water and cut back on the caffeine and alcohol.

Getting into the kitchen can give you a great sense of control over what you are eating. Investing in a juicer or even a Nutri bullet means you can indulge in fresh food with added vitality. Stay away from fast food and unhealthy deep fried snacks. Swap refined carbohydrates for whole wheat alternatives. Use natural honey as a sweetener.

When your eyes start to sparkle, you’ll know you are moving in the right direction.

Look after your skin.

The great diet will help, but give your skin and face a break from heavy make up. Let it breathe once in awhile. Use facial masks two or three times as week and make sure you're exfoliating whenever you can. Stay away from harsh products and chemicals. Shop for natural ethical products that will work for you. A hot steam or sauna can be a great way to get toxins out of the skin and give you back your glow

Hair Color

Go back to your natural color as much as you can. Bright, severe and dark colors can make features on your face stand out as harsh. Dark colours can make people with a pale complexion seem washed out. Platinum blonde does not do everybody justice. Soothe color down for a natural look and adopt a softer style.


Easy to say and easy to do! If you don't have anything to smile about, play the glad game! Seriously, though, practice smiling, with the eyes and mouth. Make sure you teeth are in great condition. Avail of discount dental plans and keep up to date with your check ups and treatment. A great smile is a natural beauty definite.

Give your lips a boost with a gentle massage and use a colour that will suit your overall look and style.


This affects every aspect of your life and style. Find a fitness routine that works for you. You want to spend your time involved with an activity that helps you shine. It doesn't have to be an extreme sport. Yoga, for example, has something for everyone. It will help you stretch as well as de-stress. It can allow you to unwind relax and lose tension. Once we let go of the stuff we cling onto and rely on, a calmer, clearer more natural you is there, waiting. Why not give it a chance and see what comes through?