Nobody wants to have discolored teeth but few of us can avoid it. Life happens. Even healthy foods like coffee and berries can cause stains. Once the discoloration occurs, it’ll keep getting worse unless you do something to stop it. 

You might be able to mitigate the damage on your own. If the stains aren’t too severe, home remedies could be enough. 

Severe damage will need a more serious solution. You’ll need to see a professional like Dr. Mileidis Pena Marro in Miami. According to, “Dr. Mileidis Pena Marro is a highly skilled dentist on a mission to change the face of modern dentistry, while offering comprehensive treatment for adults and children.” 

Teeth whitening is a big business. Americans spent more than $11 billion on the procedure in 2015. About 10% of that money was spent on at-home, DIY products. 

Here’s what you can do. 

1. Brush and Floss
It might seem obvious but it’s easy to underestimate the importance of good dental hygiene. Your teeth won’t be in good shape if you don’t take care of them. That means regular brushing and flossing must become a mandatory part of your daily routine. 

Proper hygiene won’t do much for the stains you already have, but it can help prevent new ones from forming. 

2. Start Oil Pulling 
Oil pulling has been rising in popularity in recent years. It’s an ancient Indian tradition intended to “pull” toxins and bacteria from the body. It’s very simple. Westerners often use coconut oil although any oil will work. 

Take at least a tablespoon of the oil and swish it around your mouth. Continue for 15-20 minutes. Studies indicate that the daily practice can reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth. 

However, the evidence that it whitens your teeth is purely anecdotal. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work, just that there haven’t been enough studies.
3. Add Hydrogen Peroxide 
Hydrogen peroxide can bleach your teeth and kill bacteria in your mouth. That’s why it’s commonly used to treat wounds. Your dentist will likely use hydrogen peroxide if you have your teeth professionally whitened. At home, you’ll use a much lower concentration. 

Use a 1.5% or 3% solution as a mouthwash before you brush your teeth. If it’s still too strong, you can dilute the solution. You can also mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and form a paste. Use this instead of your regular toothpaste a couple of times a week. 

Toothpastes with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can lead to whiter teeth. 

Just make sure that you don’t try using a strong concentration on your own. It can lead to over-sensitive teeth. 

4. Baking Soda 
Baking soda has strong whitening abilities. It’s abrasive, scouring properties help scrub your teeth clean. Using baking soda is a really good way to deal with surface stains. Many, many commercial toothpastes list baking soda as an ingredient. 

This isn’t the best method if the damage to your teeth is severe. It will take a while before the results become noticeable.  

Use a type of toothpaste with baking soda or make your own by mixing baking soda and water. 

5. Avoid Sugar and Soda 
One way to whiten your teeth is to avoid getting stains in the first place. Sugary foods can destroy your teeth, as the bacteria living in your mouth feast on the sweet substance. The build of plaque and tartar can make your teeth appear yellowish. 

Sweet beverages are also known for staining your teeth. Soda is particularly harmful. Cutting calorie-ridden drinks from your diet, however, isn’t enough. Coffee and tea can also change your mouth's appearance. 

6. Eat Vegetables 
A diet that’s rich in vegetables will affect your body in a myriad of ways. The fibrous nature of raw veggies helps scrape plaque from your teeth. Certain fruits, meanwhile, will help freshen your breath.

Some people swear by a mixture of strawberries and baking soda. Science hasn’t proven that the paste is helpful yet, however. 

If you do want to try this remedy, smash up a strawberry and mix it with baking soda. Brush the paste over your teeth a few times a week. 

Whitening your teeth is a lifelong project. Most remedies, either amateur or professional, only produce temporary results. You will have to continually work to maintain the same look. The good news is that you can do a lot for yourself. Even if you see the dentists, you can make your results last longer by taking care of yourself.