Caring for your car is an incredibly important process and something that a lot of people don’t know how to do properly. While the process is fairly simple once you know what you are doing, the idea of maintaining a car can seem complex and intimidating to those who have never tried it. So, this article aims to highlight some of the most important points to cover when caring for your car.

Consistent Care is Key
The most important thing to remember when you are working to keep your car in good shape is that consistency is the key to car maintenance. Looking after your car is a long-term project, and if you don’t keep up with it, your car will suffer as a result. So, be sure to check up on your car at least once a week to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Paint Protection Films
One of the best ways to keep the paint on your car as protected as possible is to use a paint protection film, such as the kind DuraShield sells at This is by far the best way to keep your paint from being chipped by stray rocks or damaged by other hazards, helping to maintain that perfect car finish.

Keep an Eye on Your Oil Levels
Oil is incredibly important to the regular operation of your car, and, fortunately for you, your car doesn’t tend to run through its supply of oil all that quickly. However, it is still very important that you regularly check your oil level and have oil on hand in case you need to top up your oil levels. If you end up running your car without enough oil, you can do some serious damage to the engine.

Check Your Breaks and Tires Often
Similarly, you must check your breaks and tires regularly. Ensuring you have enough tread on your tire is important to be safe on the road, as your tire tread is responsible for the friction that gives you grip on the road. Plus, making sure your brake pads are working properly is a must, as you need to be sure that your car will stop when you need it to.

Clean and Shine
On top of everything else, you must take the time to regularly clean your car and keep it shining by waxing it too. Although, waxing is more of a “once every six months” kind of an issue. You’ll want to wash your car whenever it feels dirty, but a good rule of thumb is to give it a good clean once a week.

Protect It From the Elements
Finally, one of the more important things you can do to ensure that your car’s looks have the most longevity possible is to do what you can to keep it safe from the elements. Too much sunlight can damage a car’s color just as easily as anything else, and getting too hot or too cold can do real damage to the engine. The best thing to do, then, is to keep your car in a nice, secluded garage, where it can be safe from the elements until you want to use it.