To purchase a new AC is a prime household decision, as this gadget is not just an expensive purchase but even a long-term investment. The correct AC will solve your cooling anguishes and also influence the fate of your electricity bills for years to come. 

Keeping these two main necessities in mind, the inverter AC has turned out to be a popular choice this day.  As the name suggests, the AC works on the inverter technology. The compressor of such an AC runs on a variable speed model. It adjusts the speed of compressor to regulate the temperature of the room, different from the compressor of a non-inverter AC that goes on and off every time it achieves the desired temperature.  

The point is inverter air conditioner ends up using much lesser energy than that of a non-inverter AC and even has a better cooling mechanism. In case, you too are looking for an efficient and effective air conditioner, then inverter air conditioner is the way to go. The inverter technology ACs took off just a few years ago, but today almost every popular brand has their specific inverter air conditioner you can pick from.  However, have a look at some points before you make a choice and purchase.

The right size 

The inverter air conditioner is just another split AC but having a different mechanism. It is available with an indoor and outdoor unit. Just like any split AC, the tonnage of this type of AC is determined by the size of room. Installing the right-sized AC is going to cool the room efficiently and will also keep the bills in check. To find the ideal size, you first need to measure the size of the room. A room of up to 150 sq ft is going to need a 1-ton AC, a slightly huger room of up to 250 sq ft is going to need a 1.5-ton AC and a huger room of nearly 400 sq ft will want a 2-ton AC.   The right size will give you a better cooling system.

Search for the BEE Rating

Up until recently, there was no manner to define the energy efficiency of an inverter air conditioner, as the BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) might only calculate it for an AC having a fixed speed compressor. However, now these ACs are being rated based on the difference in temperature. These years, all inverter AC models have to be star rated. Depending on the energy-saving volume, these ACs shall have a 3, 4 or 5 rating. More the stars, the more energy and power it will save. A 3-star inverter air conditioner can save more energy than that of a 5-star rated non-inverter air conditioner too.

Check the usage of AC

In case you use the AC for 8-10 hours every day during the hot season, a 3-star AC is going to be good enough to keep the bills in check. However, if you make use of the AC for several hours for most months of year, go for a 5-star rated AC.

Now, since you have an idea about inverter air conditioners and how they can be bought in the best manner, make sure you think about these things before you purchase some.