Kara's Youngji has replaced her old 2G phone with a smart phone after a recent small incident.

She said during the broadcast of MBC FM4U's 'Sunny's FM Date' on November 4th,"I have switched from a 2G phone to a smart phone. I hope you can genuinely believe me but I spilled salad sauce on top of my 2G phone. I was without a cell phone for a few days and it caused inconvenienve for the people around me, so the company bought me a new phone".

DJ Sunny then said,"I heard people said that you purposely dropped the phone into the salad sauce", Youngji responsed,"Many people asked me if I did it on purpose when I texted them".

She also added,"In fact, I have never felt uncomfortable when I used the 2G phone. Since I still don't know how to use a smart phone so my battery lasts for 2 days".

DSP Media also confirmed the news through Newsen,"Youngji received the smart phone 3 weeks ago. Like what she said on the radio, she spilled the salad sauce on her 2G phone so the company bought a new one for her"