Involved in allegation of counterfeiting his educational certifications, Epik High Tablo confirms that he had graduated from Stanford University with a master degree.
Verifications was issued by the relevant officials in the States on 7th June, it has been confirmed that Daniel Seon Woong Lee (Tablo’s real name) had entered Stanford University in September 1996, and received his bachelor’s in April 2001 and then his master degree in April 2002.
Since the full name and birth date matched Tablo’s, chances that this is someone else is slim, hence it is confirmed that this is verifications to Tablo’s education. There was another candidate by the name of Daniel Lee in the records who graduated with computer science degree in 2008, but that is confirmed as someone else and not Tablo.
But still, doubts about Tablo’s education qualifications still remain.

Contrary to claims he made that he had entered college in 1998 and had completed his bachelor’s in 3 years, in the verifications, it showed that he entered the college in 1996.
Some netizens brought up that it is impossible for Tablo to enter in 1996 since he will still be in high school. And many also pointed out that it is impossible for him to be close friends with actress Reese Witherspoon and also have encountered America’s ex-president Bill Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton as he has claimed previously considering the time period of his studies at Stanford.

It seems that even though there is official verifications, there still is a need for explanation on the process to it. However Tablo’s agency has voiced, “We have nothing to say about allegations against Tablo that he had fake education qualifications.”
Meanwhile, in 2007, a netizen also brought up the point that Tablo has used the name of Daniel Armand Lee as shown in the graduate list for Stanford. Since 2007 till this year, the netizen has always posted up malignant comments whenever there are news reports on Tablo accusing him of faking his education qualifications, and Tablo has also sued this netizens.
And from 11th May, this netizens has set up an online cafe named ‘Requesting for the truth from Tablo’ and till 7th June, about 17K members have joined the cafe.

S: StarNews 
C: KBites